Keep it Weird with this Quiz All About Portland!

Keep it Weird with this Quiz All About Portland!

About This Quiz

Portland, Oregon, has gone through quite a transformation over the past several decades. What started as a place to fish, cut timber and raise cattle for the market has become one of the most sought-after places to live and visit. Portland has reinvented itself as a hot spot for artists, musicians and people looking for a more laid-back bohemian lifestyle. The city has a dedicated focus on environmental issues and sustainability. There are tons of parks and places for people to gather. Biking and walking are encouraged. Portland is a hub for inspiration and has a variety of youth programs to get kids into the arts at a young age. So, yeah, Portland is an incredible place. But with being such a unique place and having so much history, it would take a real smart cookie to be able to get all these questions right. If you think you’re up for the challenge, then Keep it Weird with this Quiz All About Portland!

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